
If the UK’s new PM wants to be free from China, he should meet the Dalai Lama

Originally published by the Hong Kong Free Press on 15/07/2019.

In his column for The Times of London last October, the writer Edward Lucas invited his readers to consider whether or not they lived in a free country. For Lucas, the answer to this multifaceted question came in the form of one simple test: do your politicians feel free to meet the Dalai Lama?

“If the answer is no, then you are part of the Chinese empire – you just haven’t realised it yet”, he said.

British Prime Minister (PM) Theresa May, who departed for the backbenches on Wednesday to be replaced by Boris Johnson, has unquestionably failed the “Tibet Test.” The fact many of her predecessors have barely passed, with a couple of C’s in the New Labour years and a derisory D-minus for David “Golden-Era” Cameron, is of no comfort. The outgoing occupant of No.10 Downing Street sets a new low as she becomes the first Prime Minister since John Major not to have met the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism. Resulting in a big fat F for her.